Thursday 2 June 2011

Air Pollution and Water Pollution

Water Pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of rivers, lakes, streams, etc. Water Pollution comes from garbage, waste, chemicals, oil spills, and sewage.

How to prevent it?
·        Saving water by turning off the tap
·        Be precautious about what you throw down your sink and/or toilet
·        Not to over use pesticides and fertilizers
·        Don’t throw litter into rivers, lakes or ocean
                              These are just some of the ways to prevent water pollution. Whether it is in your home, in a river, anywhere! As an active citizen such as yourself, you don't want a disgusting looking place do you?

For example:

                              If you were poor and had to bathe in that water everyday due to not having your own personal water use.

Can this affect your health?

                              Well, due to the chemicals and whatever else is in that water can affect your health extremely. If the water is swallowed you'd be consuming whatever was in that liquid. Therefore be careful and more aware of these things! Do you want to get a disease and end up dying, no you do not!

Air Pollution
                              Air pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by harmful chemicals, etc. Air Pollution comes from motor vehicle exhaust,  industrial processes, auto manufacturing, fertilizer, plants, building demolition, solid waste disposal, volcanic eruption, fuel production, roadway construction,  forest fires, and agriculture.

How to prevent it?

·        Drive Less
o       Use bikes or walk instead
·        Accelerate bit by bit.
·        Use cruise control on the highway.
·        Obey the speed limit.
·        Combine your schedule into one trip.
·        Keep your tires properly inflated.
·        Shop by phone or mail

For example:
            Industries continue to grow, and sometimes when you pass them by you see smoke going into the atmosphere. You’ll probably be thinking,
            “Wow! This is so cool!” But actually it’s bad for you, this affects the everyday air we breath everyday. Meaning it ‘pollutes’ the air. Again, this does infect your health because if the chemicals pollutants are inhaled this can also affect your health, extremely! I recommend you to take into consideration of what is happening in our society nowadays.

1 comment:

  1. We must all learn proper disposal of garbage, appliances etc. We need to understand that when we dump things in drains and rivers for example, they lead to larger rivers, ponds and seas sooner or later to reservoirs. Dumping also affects the animals that live in the water and on land. What we do destroys their homes and can also lead to killing them. We pollute our own water and land so it is about time we try, learn and practice the right things.
